Are You Building Financial Security... Or Simply Going Through The Motions?

This may come as a surprise, but being "bad with money" isn't your birthright.

Get ready for BLAZE


BLAZE™ is a high-touch coaching experience for non-traditional earners ready to exercise financial discipline and create a money management system that optimizes your income to achieve financial security in the next six months.

Truth bomb: Your living expenses are taken care of but having money saved for the unexpected, paying down debt, and getting ahead is seemingly impossible. You want to level up your financial situation. And badly!

You want to level up your financial situation—and badly!— but your efforts thus far haven’t moved the needle. Maybe you’ve learned some lessons (like what NOT to do), but no matter how much you work at it… you somehow backslide into old habits and overwhelm. When you make good money with nothing to show for it the ease of taking care of everyday expenses starts to feel like the edge. Why? Because getting ahead feels impossible. Even with a clear vision of financial freedom as your guiding star, the absence of a solid financial plan leaves you struggling. Your money seems to vanish into thin air, leaving you with mounting credit card debt, no savings to speak of, and a budget that barely makes it out of the glorified Google Sheet.

Giving up sounds tempting when it looks like NOTHING will work.

You’ve already tried…

  • More Google Sheets than you care to admit, each promising to be the ultimate solution for your financial woes but somehow, they only add to the confusion and uncertainty.
  • Justifying your lack of progress because "You work hard and deserve"
  • "Organized systems" Let's be honest: Your fifty-eleven accounts are entangled and confusing. Multiple checking accounts, an empty saving account, - it's all a blur, lacking any clear order. You're aiming for efficiency, but keep missing the mark.

It’s frustrating and demoralizing to feel like you’ve tried (or at least considered) it all and to be honest, you’re TIRED and ready to experience a REAL return on your investment of time and energy. Deep down you know you've been floating along for far too long... the money you make should provide opportunities to live life on your terms and bring you closer to the financial security you deserve.


Every day I help non-traditional earners, like you, manage your money more effectively and in alignment with your goals and values so that you feel more confident and in control of the flow of your money. We work together to optimize your income, tackle your goals, and build financial security.

BLAZE helped this six-figure earner dial in on her priorities and step into a new financial identity.

There are 3 objectives of my BLAZE™ Coaching Program 

  • Reframe your relationship with money leaning into abundance and dispelling scarcity mindset beliefs allowing you to have complete agency over your finances regardless of your money story.  
  • Create a bulletproof zero-based budget to better understand the flow of your money and guide your spending based on your personal values and financial goals.
  • Consistently funnel a good chunk of your income toward your financial goals each month NOT JUST CHUMP CHANGE. You will increase your savings rate by +20% by the program's end.

Qualification Criteria of Each BLAZE™ Member 

I will be personally delivering the coaching experience and I can only work with a qualified group who want to achieve the 3 objectives above. I need to make sure you’re ready now and (because of my guarantee below) you’ll implement what you commit to.

This program produces unprecedented results, however, it’s not for everyone. Supporting you as you master money management and tackle your financial goals is very exciting, but you must be truly ready for this level of growth — committed to growing the gap — and have the attitude and drive to make the most of your time in the program.


  • Those juggling a full-time position with a side hustle. Sadly, bringing in more money hasn't been the answer you hoped for. Sadly, bringing in more money hasn't helped you bridge the gap between your reality and your goals and you realize you're missing a piece of the puzzle.
  • Those who make good money but don't have any financial security to show for it. You truly believe your hustle and hard work should yield more financial progress— you desire to pay off high-interest debt, cushion your emergency savings, and invest to build wealth.
  • Non-traditional earners who are ready to align their spending with their goals without sacrificing what brings them joy. You want a sustainable budget that isn't plagued with restrictions allowing you to enjoy present spending while serving your future self.
  • Those who are decisive and ready to take action right NOW. No more making excuses for yourself. You're bringing in more money than ever before and changing the trajectory of your financial future is a do-not-pass-go.
  • Those making more money than ever before but dealing with the same struggles. You know it's possible, you understand the return on investment and want personal support and financial guidance.


  • Those in denial— You are living month to month, and/or riding the credit card float to support your lifestyle but refuse to accept the reality of your situation.

  • People who view saving and investing as a soul-sucking sacrifice. If you view money management as a chore rather than a tool to build financial security and confidence, this is not for you.

  • Individuals that have a track record of FTI - Failure To Implement. Those who complain about doing the work and are always looking for a shortcut. If you're constantly switching up your strategy in an effort to cut corners this is not for you. 

  • Individuals who think financial freedom is “woo woo” and have no interest in building wealth.


The format of the program is the ‘secret sauce’ that makes BLAZE™ work so well. When we get to speak I’ll give you the exact format and we’ll see if it works for you. Rest assured it's the right mix of:

Personal Coaching:  Face-to-face virtual coaching teaching you what to do it

Comprehensive Curriculum: Structured modules complement the coaching sessions to ensure you’re clear on the implementation.


3 Month Access to BLAZE 1:1 Coaching
This program is designed to refine your money management system and streamline your savings rate so results are consistent, regardless of circumstances, income fluctuations, or emotions. We will meet 3x a month for high-level coaching calls to discuss strategy, overcome challenges, and develop your decision-making abilities as a CFO of your life. You'll receive comprehensive support to work through limiting beliefs, set strategic targets, and automate your systems to work behind the scenes for your financial security.

6 Month Access to BLAZE Curriculum + Text Support
Unlock the full potential of your finances with a customized 30/60/90-day plan. This meticulously designed plan will break down action steps to solidify your savings cushion, pay off high-interest debt, and invest for retirement. Plus, enjoy text support during business hours for any questions or guidance you need, ensuring you stay on track and receive prompt assistance when challenges arise.

Intentional Spending Plan

Say goodbye to ineffective spreadsheets and unproductive budgets. Master a zero-based budgeting system to gain total control of your money and align your spending with your values without sacrificing what brings you joy. Never wonder again where your money went or what it needs to do.

Performance Tracking Spreadsheets & Templates
Eliminate guesswork with our carefully designed curriculum, downloads, tracking spreadsheets, and ready-to-use templates inside our private portal. Access everything you need to streamline your efforts

Increased Confidence & Net Worth
We’ll peel back the layers of your money mindset and challenge your limiting beliefs. Get ready to reframe your relationship with money and learn how YOU can get laser-focused to build financial security. You will confidently make decisions that positively affect your net worth by applying the strategies I teach.


I am 100% committed to helping you increase your savings rate to build financial security. That said, you might still have hesitations about whether what you’re reading on this page is truly possible for you and if BLAZE is the best choice to get you there. Here’s the deal: This program is not cheap. It's not designed to be. BLAZE is an elite option and the investment reflects that. That might make you question if it’s really “worth it,” and I get that.

So in case you are still hesitating to apply, here’s a guarantee that you can bank on:

I am willing to promise you that if you participate in all of the calls, implement all of the work, and do not see a savings rate increase of at least 15% as a result of BLAZE, then I will work with you for free until you do.

Simple as that.

If you’re truly ready to build financial security and discipline through income optimization and willing to do the work following a proven process as guided by me there is absolutely no reason NOT to apply today.

Meet Your Money Coach, Diamond

Do you feel like no matter how much money you bring in, you can’t seem to dig yourself out of the fog? The goal-post might as well be a mirage and oddly enough you're sacrificing more (time, energy, peace of mind) I know exactly how you feel.

I know that's not what you desire for yourself, and I certainly don't wish it for you either.

If we haven't met yet, I'm Diamond Towns, a budgeting strategist and financial freedom enthusiast.

Truthfully, I didn’t know the ropes of money management when I started this journey. I've been the girl with the maxed-out credit cards, ashamed of what was behind the curtain. I've been the person who worked hard and made good money but with $0 tucked away and a loose plan at best— but I’ve spent the past decade taking the next best step and building a proven system.

I truly believe that financial wellness and money management are necessities too often overlooked.

Since stepping into the coaching space, I've helped dozens of clients gain control of their financial futures, reduce financial stress, and bridge the gap between their income and financial freedom.

What are you waiting for?


There’s only one way to build financial security

Creating a gap between the money you make and the money you spend.

Think about it... How many of your goals are contingent on your saving efforts? Setting money aside can be a struggle especially when you don't know where your money is going and have a clearly defined plan for sustaining your savings rate to make your goals a reality. That's where the BLAZE method kicks in, shaking off the cookie-cutter advice and getting down to what truly matters—your unique financial journey.

I know your relationship with your finances feels like a constant spiral.

I know the thought of unpacking your numbers and creating a plan of attack feels paralyzing.

I know you're running on the hustle hamster wheel with nothing to show for it financially.

I’ve seen people struggle with this over and over again, which is why I created BLAZE. When your drive to make the money doesn't match your level of clarity and confidence you have around the money it feels HEAVY AF. You've been busting your behind to get a grip — but working hard on the wrong thing isn't going to move the needle. With this program, I’ve coached my clients into the driver's seat. Helping them shift their financial identity, teaching them how to best optimize their income to reduce stress, grow the gap, and gain control of their financial future.

My method differs from generic saving advice and finance "do's and don'ts" because I truly believe personal finance is personal. I'll equip you with the knowledge and confidence to help you prioritize specificity and formulate a sustainable plan to reach your goals. Together, we'll use a decision-making framework to align your spending with what you value and implement a holistic approach to building financial security.

If you're truly ready for your hard-earned income to provide peace and opportunities for you to live your life by design rather than default, BLAZE™ is the blueprint to get you there.

The key to real financial security isn't working harder, manifesting more, or even increasing your income.

It's in creating real cash clarity where your mindset, strategy, and systems align with where you see yourself and how you want to position yourself.

Most financial advice is centered around making more money—and understandably so— but developing the skillset of managing your money is more important. After all, money is just money until it's managed.

Your finances don’t have to feel like a burden (or a guessing game). It can be the exact tool that helps fund the dream lifestyle you desire. Present happiness and serving your future self can & should coincide as long as you're willing to take agency.

The clarity you get from BLAZE™ will show you how.

You have the power to change the trajectory of your finances but what you’ve been doing hasn’t been working and it’s time for that to stop, once and for all.

It's time to take your finances (and your life) to the next level.

You’re most likely reading this page because you’re a natural-born hustler who’s SO done with...

  • Making note of elaborate money-related goals that you never achieve in an effort to self-soothe and lessen the associated stress.
  • Taking screenshots, learning, and consuming EVERY PIECE OF ADVICE you stumble upon on social media yet still feel behind financially.
  • Being so focused on making more money that actually managing the money you bring in gets overlooked. Maybe seven figures will solve my problems. Spoiler: it won't.
  • Investing in courses and programs that are band-aid solutions that don’t deal with the root of the problem. You are just trying to put out the fire and keep going until it happens again.
  • You’re tired of wasting time, money, and energy on methods that give you ZERO results. You’re ready for REAL progress. REAL support. REAL accountability.

Which is why you’re the perfect candidate for BLAZE.

Because you know what happens when you finally know how to manage your money with ease?

  • You wake up every morning EXCITED to get to the money. Not out of necessity, but because you have the systems, knowledge, and support you need to manage your money like a BOSS.
  • You finally feel the ABUNDANCE you work so damn hard to experience because you’re living by design and not by default. Your savings & investment balances are growing and you know without a doubt you're doing this money thing right.
  • You have more JOY now that you’re not secretly stressing about your situation. You are so financially secure that you can afford to take time off work to prioritize your mental health. You can afford to take the trip, to book the flight. You can afford to experience the pleasures of life.

"I have established consistent and sustainable savings of 30%."

“I have an established emergency fund— this particular goal has also been a source of stress because the uncertainty that comes with the cost of an emergency would keep me up at night. I had night terrors of "what ifs", how much would it cost, would an emergency completely wipe me out, and what other aspects of my life would be affected. And I'm not tempted to go into the savings and remove the funds!”

-Nicola J.

Financial independence doesn’t happen by accident.

It happens because you have followed a framework, taken the steps, have done the work, and received the help necessary to first build financial security.

Seeing the impact this level of security has on my overall wealth-building journey, I want to help you walk through the scaffold of money management and experience the same progress and freedom. I want you to be equipped with the tools, tactics, and clarity to hustle strategically.

At some point, you realize that continuing along the same path says a lot about where you're headed.


Denial isn't a safe zone, it's a decision. Blissfully ignorant isn't a safe zone, it's a decision. Waiting for your circumstances to change isn't the sensible thing to do, it's simply pacifying your ego.

Limiting beliefs, comfortability, and procrastination isn’t going to get you results.

Are you ready to finally optimize your income and crush your financial goals?

  • Aligning your spending with clearly defined goals
  • Emergency fund savings set aside
  • Debilitating debt eliminated
  • Planning for early retirement
  • Strategically investing in assets to build wealth
  • Clarity and confidence in your financial decisions

BLAZE will show you how to lock into the strategic hustle versus the reactionary hustle you're used to without restriction or sacrifice and without having to bring in more money to make it happen.

Let's do this.



I am 100% committed to helping my clients get results and I've already helped dozens of clients funnel thousands toward their goals... So I already know exactly what you’re signing up for when you decide to join BLAZE.
But I understand that you’re not behind the scenes seeing the wins that I'm seeing every day. So why don’t I bring you behind the scenes?

You don’t just have to listen to me go on about how incredible the program is.
Instead, you can hear directly from people just like you who’ve experienced these results firsthand.

Would you recommend BLAZE to a friend, and if so what would you tell them?

"Absolutely. It's important to get 1:1 financial guidance with your money and BLAZE will give you that. BLAZE helps set a strong foundation for your finances, making you less liable to financial disasters in the future as a result of a weak foundation. Diamond, I can't thank God enough for you. This program exceeded my expectations! "

- Precious A.

"I already have and will continue to recommend it to others. I express how it has helped me and is a great investment worth every minute of your time and every dollar invested. Before I had even completed the program I was discussing with a friend that I had adopted a budget that had been working great and learned so many valuable nuggets about money in general that I wish I had known about in my 20’s. I know I can’t get that time back, but I definitely will be applying them all going forward."

- Nichole T.

What new positive beliefs do you have about yourself, saving money, and finances in general?

"I now believe in paying myself first. I am my business and without me, there is no business. It was important for me to learn and accept that I am the number one investment for my business to grow. With that said, it is important to have peace of mind by understanding how to manage money instead of reacting to the economic demands (bills, debt) placed upon me. I am proactive in the decisions of my life."


— Nicola J.

Mastering the skillset of money management is a non-negotiable.

Unlike other online-based coaching programs, BLAZE does not lean on reducing your spending—the focus is on realignment. There is no spreadsheet of fantasy numbers and hypothetical outcomes to reference once a month. You will confidently make decisions using real data and by applying the strategies I teach.

I’ve found too often that when people are theoretical with their money management systems, they crash and burn. They give up. Why? Because it doesn’t solve their problems.

BLAZE is different in its focus on the money you have on hand— THIS is what matters the most especially when you can't depend on a set salary to hit your bank account every two weeks. It meshes a proactive approach with a reactive strategy centered around implementation.

You will be guided step-by-step through the curriculum and held accountable for the goals you’ve set for yourself. The best part is how achievable financial stability becomes once you have the right framework and support in your corner.

Don’t spend another moment stalking my content and re-reading this page.

Trust yourself enough to take this step if you know this is for you.

Push past the resistance and make a decision.

Financial security is waiting.